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KNX is a building automation system standard that allows the use of the infrastructure required for building automation systems, with more than 440 manufacturers worldwide.
Is EAE a KNX Association member?EAE Technology has been a member of KNX Association and also has the title of KNX TRAINING CENTER since 2012.
EAE Technology is KNX Training Center accredited. In this regard, EAE Technology has the authority to give theoretical and practical trainings on KNX to anyone.
How can I buy your products?You can use the following communication channels of EAE Teknoloji for your project or product-based requests. At the same time, you can buy products and services from our partner companies close to your region.
EAE Technology manages the entire manufacturing process with great care, from raw material procurement to production. All products are designed, developed, manufactured and tested in Istanbul, Turkey.
EAE Technology designs automation equipment layouts, system single line diagrams and material lists in line with your requirements for public, industrial, commercial and residential buildings. Our work does not include shop drawing and we expect our customers to share their Concept Developments. Please contact us for more information.